JOURNAL REVIEWED: Neuro-Ophthalmology

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Long-standing flattening effects on the globe following spaceflight

Posterior globe flattening has been well-documented in astronauts both during and after long-duration spaceflight (LDSF). This globe flattening is thought to be due to the disc centred anterior forces created by elevated volume and / or pressure within the optic...

A case presentation of morning glory disc anomaly and peripapillary staphyloma

The purpose of this paper is to present a case of an 18-month-old girl initially presenting with strabismus. Fixation of the affected eye was intermittent with a relative afferent pupillary defect. A fundus photography of the affected left eye showed...

Differences between ages and onset in functional network changes associated with reading Braille

Visual impairment affects learning ability, speed and accuracy required for reading, writing and learning memory in terms of educational performance. Braille training requires decoding of simple dots into meaningful words and sentences. The objectives of this study were to evaluate...