JOURNAL REVIEWED: Neuro-Ophthalmology

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Literature review of isolated ocular motor nerve palsies

Patients aged over 50 presenting with isolated nerve palsies of the third (pupil sparring), fourth or sixth nerves, are often described as having microvascular extraocular palsies. This review looks critically at the evidence surrounding these microvascular non-arteritic extraocular palsies and...

Surgical outcomes in third nerve palsy

The authors of this article explore the factors associated with successful surgical outcomes in third nerve palsy, which is known to be difficult to treat. A number of case notes were reviewed for patients who underwent surgery or botulinum toxin...

Structural effects of migraine on the retina

Migraine is a common, chronic, multifactorial neuro-vascular disorder typically characterised by recurrent attacks of disabling headache and autonomic nervous system dysfunction (migraine without aura). Up to one third of patients also have neurological aura symptoms (migraine with aura). The objective...