Journal Reviews – Section Editor

JOURNALS REVIEWED: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science | Strabismus | Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

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App detection of leukocoria

This paper outlines ARCELE – Computer Assisted Detection of Leukocoria. This is an iPhone app developed to increase early detection of retinoblastoma by detecting leukocoria. The aim of this study was to determine the use of CRADLE as a screening...

PDI check Nintendo screening results

‘PDI check’ is a vision assessment game developed for the autostereoscopic upper screen on the Nintendo 3DS XL game console. Version 0.2.5 emphasises quick assessment of monocular acuity, stereoacuity and red-green colour deficiency. The purpose of this study was to...

Comparison of vertical rectus muscle transpositions

The purpose of this study was to evaluate both the amount of correction obtained and the postoperative drift that occurred with two frequently used vertical rectus muscle transposition (VRT) procedures to determine the ideal immediate postoperative alignment. Twenty-seven patients underwent...