Journal Reviews – Section Editor

JOURNALS REVIEWED: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science | Strabismus | Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

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Burden of caregiving for children with eye diseases

This review was conducted to examine the existent literature and characterise the psychological impact of caregiving for children with various eye diseases. The factors associated with the burden of caregiving were discussed in the context of each eye disease identified....

Prismatic contact lens correction vs prismatic glasses

The aim of this study was to verify if diplopia could be corrected by applying soft directional prism contact lenses, to compare effectiveness of diplopia correction, comfort and quality of vision with these contact lenses compared to prism glasses. This...

Association of strabismus with functional impairment in children in the USA

In this study the authors aimed to (1) determine if strabismus is associated with clinically significant functional impairment, (2) identify specific domains of impairment and (3) examine predictors of impairment among children aged 5-17 years. Data were extracted and analysed...