Journal Reviews – Section Editor

JOURNALS REVIEWED: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science | Strabismus | Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

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Occlusion amblyopia

The authors report a case of binocular diplopia developing in an eight-year-old autistic child following two hours of total occlusion per day for six weeks. The child did not automatically resuppress once occlusion was stopped. Occlusion with Blenderm tape prevented...

Ocular motor score in spastic hemiplegia

The authors aimed to assess the oculomotor functions in children with spastic hemiplegia (SH) caused by different brain pathologies and evaluate the results obtained by the ocular motor score (OMS). The study included 34 children with a median age of...

Orthoptic Cochrane reviews

The purpose of this study was to explore the Cochrane Eyes and Vision (CEV) library to extract and overview protocols and systematic reviews of relevance to orthoptic practice. A full database search was made of the 2016 library. Twenty-seven systematic...