Journal Reviews – Section Editor

JOURNALS REVIEWED: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science | Strabismus | Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

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GA position of eyes

The authors assessed eye position based on the corneal reflex position (Hirschberg test) using a standardised measurement on pictures taken at the preoperative evaluation and under general anaesthesia (GA) in 41 patients. The mean ocular deviation taken at the preoperative...

Non-accidental retinal haemorrhages

The authors sought to determine whether the presence of retinal haemorrhages (RH) correlated positively to individuals who confessed to shaking (group a) compared to those who did not confess but were identified as the likely perpetrators (group b) and cases...

Comparison of vision screeners

The primary purpose of this study was to calibrate the various paediatric photoscreeners over a range of contact lens induced hyperopic and astigmatic anisometropia using the American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) criteria for anisometropic or axial astigmatism....