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Post-stroke visual impairment: how big is the problem, how do we identify it, what we can do about it, and why does it matter?

In the UK, 100,000 new strokes occur each year, with 1.3 million stroke survivors [1]. This article will focus on post-stroke visual impairment, discussing topics of how common it is, how it can be detected, possible management options and how...

The eyes of healthy children effected by virtual schooling

The authors aimed to assess how the increased use of technology during a day of virtual school as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the eyes of healthy children. Children aged 10 to 17 years who attended school virtually...

Using a fenestration technique for partially accommodative esotropia

The authors evaluate a fenestration technique which is described as a modified sutureless hang-back recession, for cases of partially accommodative esotropia, in a prospective non-controlled cohort. Children under 10-years-old with full accommodative correction and a partially accommodative esotropia between 10...