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Conjunctivochalasis and aqueous tear deficiency – which one causes symptoms?
This review sought to determine whether conjunctivochalasis (CCh) obliterates the fornix tear reservoir and thus mimics aqueous tear deficiency (ATD). Patients were divided into two groups, with aqueous tear deficiency (CCh +ATD) or without (CCh –ATD), based on results of...
Penetrating keratoplasties in infants
This retrospective review looked at endothelial cell counts (ECC) following penetrating keratoplasties (PKP) performed in infants within the first year of their life. One hundred eyes of 71 patients had their first PKP during the study period (1998-2013). In 30%...
Acanthamoeba ability to adhere to different contact lenses
This study tested ability of Acanthamoeba lugdunensis trophozoites to adhere to silicon hydrogel contact lenses (SHCL) and how this is influenced by different multipurpose contact lens solutions (MPS). Three generations of SHCL were tested: first generation – Air Optix, second...