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Traumatic injuries from foam Nerf bullets
5 June 2023
| Bhagashree Joshi, Marika Troiani, Manoj Kulshrestha
EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Strabismus
Background Three patients are presented in this case report: an adult and two children which were subjected to ocular injuries from Nerf gun bullets. Generally, Nerf guns are considered safer than airsoft guns. While there are many papers on airsoft...
Macular imagery: observing the visual sensations pre- and post-Jetrea injections
25 September 2021
| Marika Troiani, Manoj Kulshrestha, Gayathri Sreekanth
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
A 63-year-old woman, a professional painter, was diagnosed with vitreomacular traction (VMT) in 2017. She had a history of metamorphopsia, drop in visual acuity (VA) in the left eye (6/6 in the RE; 6/18 in the LE), foveal vitreomacular traction...