Co-Editor - Eye News

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Ophthalmic Aid to Eastern Europe (OAEE)

Peter Cackett, Tim ffytche and Dr Irina Gout reflect on historic ophthalmic aid sent to Eastern Europe. This article was written prior to the horrific events in Ukraine. An appeal for funds and equipment may be made by OAEE later...

Doctor by the sea (Pete’s Hidden Curriculum Part 1)

See Pete's Hidden Curriculum Part 2 here. “They can always hurt you more.” This is The Fat Man’s Law Number 8 from the book The House of God by Samuel Shem. For those that have not read this book, it...

The meaning of life

Supercomputer: “The answer to the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything is…”Programmer: “Yes…?”Supercomputer: “42. It was a tough assignment”.Programmer: “42? Is that all you have got to show for seven and a half million years work?” In this...