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Embedding EMR for a complete transformation in user experience

Informatics and IT projects in the NHS have a history of being over budget, delivered late and not fulfilling the design brief. “But it doesn’t have to be that way,” believes Chris Canning, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Chief Clinical Information Officer...

Specialty-driven EMR for paperless clinical environment – insights for an informed choice

Deployment of specialty-driven (or specialty-specific) electronic medical record (EMR) systems across UK ophthalmology units appears to be growing rapidly at the expense of generic, multiuse digital technology packages. Experience further suggests that open source systems can play a significant role...

In conversation with Robert Johnston

Robert Johnston. What is your current role with Medisoft? Clinical Director, i.e. I head up the analysis for and design of Medisoft’s ophthalmology electronic medical records (EMR) product. I don’t program: all coding is done by Medisoft’s team of computer...