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Cornea, 2-Volume Set: Fundamentals, Diagnosis, Management and Surgery of the Cornea and Conjunctiva (4th Edition)
Originally published in 1997 as a comprehensive set of three volumes on cornea and external eye disease, this two volume edition, published at the end of 2016, offers “a complete multimedia resource, in print, online, eBook and video format”. There...
The Retinal Atlas (2nd Edition)
Those readers familiar with the first edition of The Retinal Atlas will appreciate the comprehensive nature of this publication, and this latest version incorporates retinal images generated by recently developed imaging technology. As the title suggests, this hardcover version is...
Gonioscopy: A Video Assisted Skill Transfer Approach
Gonioscopy is a critical part of the eye examination, a challenging technique to learn and although drawings and photographs are helpful, videos that demonstrate the technique and findings are particularly valuable. Interpretation beyond merely identifying whether there is a closed...