The results of the last survey Aug 2020

Once more I would like to thank those of you who took the time to complete the last edition’s survey. It was highly pertinent to what we are facing now. It is clear that our services have been markedly disrupted....

The results of the last survey Jun 2020

Firstly, my sincere thanks to those of you who responded to last edition’s survey. We had a record response. Laser was never my most exciting clinical treatment, but in this environment how I wish for even that degree of patient...

How does your practice compare?

One of the lovely things about clinical meetings and conferences is the ability to meet with your peers and ask questions of them about their practice. Often the questions are not earth shattering, for example, it could be as simple...

A missed opportunity

Back in 2000 Sir Liam Donaldson wrote a piece of work commissioned by the then Secretary of State for Health entitled “An Organisation with a Memory”. We are now 18 years on and still some of the recommendations from them...

The most frequent complaints and claims in ophthalmology – a Medical Protection Society (MPS) analysis

The authors look at the reasons behind medico-legal cases reported to MPS and share key learning points. Complications following ophthalmology surgery are rare, however, medico-legal cases are not uncommon due to the significant impact they can have on patients’ lifestyles....