A near miss
A 55-year-old gentleman presented with a ‘blurry patch’ to his left eye which he had noticed for the past two months. The visual acuity with correction was 6/5 in the right eye and 6/6 in the left eye on the...
On becoming a man
It was at the height of the gender debate, with Donald Trump banning transsexuals from serving in the US army and parts of the first world indulging in controversies on whether separate transgender toilets are needed, that a 40-year-old lady,...
How a calcified Soemmerring ring was removed from the vitreous cavity when the cutter and forceps failed to do so
Know’st thou the land where lemon-trees do bloom,And oranges like gold in leafy gloom; A gentle wind from deep blue heaven blows, The myrtle thick, and high the laurel grows? ‘Tis there! ‘tis there, O my beloved one, I with...
“Herr Doktor, I can’t see but I am driving”
This 56-year-old lady was quite puzzling. With her own glasses and the pinhole she merely managed to see the 1.3 and 1.0 logMAR lines with her right and left eye, respectively (I am currently working in Germany again, so goodbye...
How I overcame the hurdle that is the FRCOphth Part 1
The FRCOphth Part 1 is one of the most difficult exams in ophthalmology training, with an exam pass rate of 39.6% over the last 12 months (compared to 60.8% for FRCOphth Part 2 oral [60.8%] and written [68.7%]). Stack the...
Technology in ophthalmology – a promising future and what we need to know about the regulations
Undoubtedly, ophthalmology is one of the greatest sources of inspiration for technological progress in medicine. Thus far, we have seen remarkable advancements in the technology used by ophthalmologists across all subspecialties. From simplifying common procedures, to treating previously incurable conditions,...
Macular holes: A brief review
The classification of macular holes has been modernised by OCT findings. This is a brief review and encompasses the historical literature on macular holes. A macular hole is an anatomical discontinuation of the neurosensory retina at the centre of the...
Toxoplasmosis and the associated retinochoroiditis: important facts and when to treat
Annie SeeWah Tung provides an overview of toxoplasmosis retinochoroiditis, including guidance on which cases should be treated and the treatment options. Toxoplasmosis retinochoroiditis is an infectious condition that is characterised by retinochoroidal lesions commonly in the posterior pole and is...
A log in the eye
"My friend wanted to show how far he could throw that log. So, he helicoptered it over his head, faster and faster and when he let go, it hit my eye at full speed,” a young lady of 19 years...
Training on the go
In this guide, we aim to provide trainees with novel ideas to maximise learning in the workplace to make the most of your working hours and balance the multiple demands on your time. They say time flies; and it really...
The Arclight: A ‘pocket’ ophthalmoscope to revitalise undergraduate teaching?
Ophthalmoscopy should be a core skill for every doctor and should be firmly embedded in the undergraduate curriculum similar to the unquestioned position of the stethoscope. The simplicity of the Arclight means it is easy to useand, importantly, to learn...
An arm and a leg
“It cost me an arm and a leg.” – Mr B told me. An arm and a leg to be seen by the famous Russian eye surgeon who said that everybody can be spectacle-free. He took Mr B’s money (roughly...