How to pass FRCOphth Part 1 on the first attempt
Studying for this exam makes one wonder how there is so much to know about such a small organ. The FRCOphth Part 1 examination is notorious for its low pass rate, with only 20–40% of candidates succeeding at each sitting....
Cornea teaching techniques: one cornea donor tissue for two purposes
There is a national shortage in the UK in corneal graft material [1,2]. The majority (69%) of corneal transplants in the UK are partial thickness, with 35% being Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) [2]. During the preparation of the donor...
Proning and the pandemic - ocular complications seen in critical care
Priyanka Sanghi and her co-authors explore the ocular complications seen in critical care units throughout the country as we treat patients through this challenging time. The SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) pandemic has placed the NHS and critical care services under immense strain,...
How the other half live – ophthalmology training around the world
Ophthalmology speciality training is currently seven years in the UK without an additional fellowship. UK trainees are privileged to have a training programme that is held in high esteem across the world, but did you ever wonder what other trainees...
Understanding and confronting bacterial endophthalmitis
Abdus Samad Ansari highlights the importance of early recognition of this condition using an unusual presentation. Endophthalmitis is a medical emergency with devastating consequences. Despite adequate treatment, severe cases frequently result in permanent blindness. Endophthalmitis involves inflammation of both the...
Understanding amniotic membrane grafts
Safa Elhassan gives a brief review of amniotic membrane grafts and their application in theatre and clinic-based settings. Amniotic membrane (AM) transplant has been an established adjuvant treatment for many corneal, conjunctival and scleral disorders in ophthalmic clinical practice with...
In vivo confocal microscopy, principles and use in keratitis Part 1: Principles
In 1968 Maurice introduced the concept of high powered specular microscopy, it was in that very year that the first scanning confocal microscope was proposed. Marvin Minsky developed the first confocal microscope in 1955 named the ‘double focusing scanning microscope’....
How I overcame the hurdle that is the FRCOphth Part 1
The FRCOphth Part 1 is one of the most difficult exams in ophthalmology training, with an exam pass rate of 39.6% over the last 12 months (compared to 60.8% for FRCOphth Part 2 oral [60.8%] and written [68.7%]). Stack the...
Technology in ophthalmology – a promising future and what we need to know about the regulations
Undoubtedly, ophthalmology is one of the greatest sources of inspiration for technological progress in medicine. Thus far, we have seen remarkable advancements in the technology used by ophthalmologists across all subspecialties. From simplifying common procedures, to treating previously incurable conditions,...
Don’t ignore the black lesion! It might be mucormycosis
Keeping mucormycosis infection in the foreground of your differential diagnosis, especially in those more vulnerable patients, will help save their lives if recognised and managed appropriately. Mucormycosis is a fulminant infection caused by the fungi of the family Mucoraceae. It...
Corneal dystrophies simplified
Based on biomicroscopic and histopathologic features, corneal dystrophies can be broadly classified into epithelial, Bowman’s layer / anterior stromal, stromal, and endothelial dystrophies. Corneal dystrophies are a group of inherited, bilateral, gradually progressing, non- inflammatory conditions caused by accumulation of...
Training on the go
In this guide, we aim to provide trainees with novel ideas to maximise learning in the workplace to make the most of your working hours and balance the multiple demands on your time. They say time flies; and it really...