Event Details
Date: 31 March 2025
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The Cataract/medical retina/ disc assessment short course has been designed to meet the training needs of band 6’s and 7s who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in disease recognition, management and intervention of cataract, medical retina and disc assessment.
Course structure
This course includes a mixture of online learning and in-person practical skills training. The online learning will be available for three weeks to give you time to immerse yourself in the course followed by practical posterior segment examination.
There will be 8 hours of online learning and the practical session will last 4 hours.
Featured topics
Theoretical knowledge of cataract surgery.
Pre- and post-operative care.
Risks and benefits of refractive surgical options.
Counselling patients on surgical risks and types of lens implantation.
Principles and methodology of biometry.
Medical retina
Anatomy and physiology of the retina.
Knowledge and understanding of choroido-retinal pathologies.
Perform posterior segment examination.
Understand imaging: spectrialis, autofluorescence, widefield and infrared.
Concept of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF).
Disc assessment
What is cupping?
What is a normal/abnormal disc?
How to assess cup/disc ratio.
Pattern of glaucomatous visual field defect.
Benefits of attending
By the end of the course attendees will:
Gain an understanding of the management and assessment of common eye conditions in relation to medical retina, cataract and glaucoma.
Develop theoretical knowledge to allow practitioner to safely management patients undergoing cataract operation.
Develop skills and knowledge required to undertake fundoscopy.
Who should apply
Nurses, orthoptists, prosthetists and operating department practitioners (ODP)
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