Event Details
Date: 14 October 2026 - 17 October 2026

Location name: Gothenburg, Sweden

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is our greatest pleasure to welcome you all to Gothenburg on the 14-17th October 2026 for the Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology, NOK. The conference will take place at Svenska Mässan in the central part of the city next to the amusement park, Liseberg, and the newly built exhibition hall, World of Volvo. Svenska Mässan is part of the Gothia Towers, where most of you will reside during your stay in Gothenburg, at a convenient walking distance to the heart of the city. You will be able to get a view of the city from the roof top bar at the 23rd floor while enjoying THE best prawn sandwich in the world.

The scientific programme will include a wide variety of topics including oculoplastic procedures – such as Mohs surgery for basalioma, advanced ptosis as well as strabismus surgery, new types of glaucoma shunts, a battle between advocates for different types of secondary IOL implants, new therapeutic strategies for posterior segment surgery, and more. There will also be focus on infectious ocular diseases, including severe keratitis, infectious uveitis, orbital cellulitis, and not to forget the potentially lethal necrotising fasciitis, that appears to be on the rise.

Medical and surgical management of diabetic retinopathy is another subject that will be covered, as well as various paediatric areas; retinopathy of prematurity, shaken baby syndrome, cerebral visual impairment and congenital cataract and glaucoma. Several internationally renowned lecturers in the ophthalmic field have been invited and there is also room for free papers, poster sessions as well as special symposia for Young Ophthalmologists, the latter including a session on how to prepare for the EBO (European Board of Ophthalmology) examination.

Although the weather in Gothenburg is usually ghastly in October you will be able to enjoy indoor activities such as a visit to the Museum of Art to view a large collection of Nordic artists or to the Concert Hall, the residency of the world-famous Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra. For the brave and sporty, a morning run through drizzling rain may be just the thing. Alternatively, a guided city tour by boat under the bridges, in Venetian style, may be just as refreshing.

The banquet will, of course, be held in the dockyard. Buses will be able to take you to the other side of the river Göta Älv in order to get to Eriksbergshallen, an old mechanic works that was once part of Gothenburg’s vibrant shipping industry. There you will have dinner with local entertainment while enjoying a view of the harbour by night.

All in all, we promise you a highly memorable stay in Gothenburg; scientifically, socially, meteorologically and otherwise. A warm welcome!


On behalf of the Organising Committee,

Madeleine Zetterberg, President of NOK 2026