Event Details
Date: 16 November 2023

Location address: London, UK.


by Josephine A Bates, FY2 Doctor, North Devon District Hospital, Barnstaple, UK.

Opening its doors to medical students across the country once again, the Royal College of Ophthalmologists hosted the Student Ophthalmology Review Day (SORD) with a fantastic turnout. Dr Williams started SORD in 2018 to give students a setting to improve their ophthalmic clinical knowledge, network with the like-minded, and to increase their awareness of the specialty and the college. This year was the 8th SORD, attended by 24 medical students at a range of levels, with a faculty of Dr Williams and myself, Dr Josephine Bates, FY2, helping lead my second SORD.

Dr Williams started with a refresher talk on ‘Ocular Anatomy & Physiology’ and on visual acuity. Four ophthalmic examination skills were demonstrated, and with each, students practised in pairs as faculty offered individual feedback. The highlight of the day for me was seeing students successfully perform fundoscopy through each other’s dilated pupils using Arclight ophthalmoscopes. Everyone was successful in seeing fundi clearly – some for the first time! Other skills included were assessing pupils, visual fields and extraocular movements.

Then followed the ‘Ophthalmology Game’, a simulation exercise in which students spent ten minutes in pairs in each of eight stations. Students were immersed in roleplay, including a consultation on cataract surgery, a tutorial to peers on APDs, being asked to draw specific ophthalmic signs for a fictitious textbook, measuring BCVA in an amblyopic patient, and also a quick-fire question and answer drill, all with feedback. Students had a fun, positive experience applying their knowledge and skills, and in the process having a taster of life as an ophthalmologist.

After lunch, the entire student body was led in six case-based discussions. These challenged the students to draw upon knowledge from the day, from medical school, and to learn from each other. Difficult patient interactions were included in cases on cataracts, red eyes, AMD, POAG, optic neuropathies and diabetic eye disease. There was an informal interactive atmosphere.

Dr Bates finished with an overview on the current process of applying to the specialty, sharing her own thoughts on the portfolio and signposting where to find important information. Feedback showed that SORD 2023 was received as an engaging, well-organised day.