Event Details
Date: 19 May 2019

Location name: London, UK

Location address: College of Optometrists, 41-42 Craven Street, London, WC2 5NG

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By John Dixon Salt, Chairman, OAICC.

The OAICC was formed in 1982 by a small group of opticians interested in optical antiques.

From the initial dozen members it has grown into a truly international club of enthusiasts with about half our members overseas and is no longer restricted to optical professionals. We have teachers, engineers, fashion designers, frame makers and students in our ranks and are not confined to spectacles frames, now encompassing spectacle manufacturing, glazing and dispensing equipment, telescopes, stanhopes, eyebaths… in fact anything connected with optics.

The next Club meeting is on Sunday 19th May at the College of Optometrists, 42 Craven Street, London, WC2N 5NG that houses the world-renowned British Optical Association Museum. Come and join us, view the museum’s collection – not normally possible at the weekend – attend our brief AGM, listen to short talks and pick up a bargain or two in our very informal Club Auction. Even quiz us on that odd little item you have wanted to identify or know more about.

There is no entrance fee nor do not have to be a member to attend: Doors open at 11.00 with the AGM at 12.00 and the talks and auction at 14.00. We can also offer a buffet lunch for the ridiculously low cost of £10.00.

If you would like more information or wish to book lunch – perhaps even become a member benefiting from the quarterly journal and visits to private collections - then please email antiques@oaicc.com or look on our website www.oaicc.com