Welcome to our supplements, please select a name and the issue will appear.
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome to wellbeing II - by Christina Rennie and Sonya Wallbank
- NHS Practitioner Health: Providing you with the care you deserve - by Helen Garr
- An interview with Rachel Morris: Clinician wellbeing and difficult conversations - by Peter Cackett
- Strategies for fostering psychological safety in healthcare - by Tom Geraghty
- Coaching: Supporting doctors’ development and wellbeing - by Judith Cave and Nina Bainbridge
- The growing demand for community care following the pandemic - by Sonya Wallbank
- Holding onto hope - by Anna Baverstock
- Worried about a colleague?
- Directory of organisations and services
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editors - by Abdus Samad Ansari, Sunil Mamtora
- My indirect journey into medicine and beyond - by Steven Isherwood
- A guide to getting your first specialty training post - by Alastair Coulson, Depali Varma
- Reducing ophthalmology waiting lists through healthcare science careers - by Tracy Longden-Thurgood, Rosalyn Painter
- My journey in academic ophthalmology - by Sohaib Rufai
- Choosing a subspecialty - by Gwyn Samuel Williams
- Starting out in a subspecialty: Paediatric ophthalmology - by Victoria Barnett
- Navigating the transition to NHS consultant - by Sana Hamid
- Events
- Courses classified
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editors - by Andrew Tatham, Neeru Amrita Vallabh
- Reflections on a UKEGS presidency - by Nishani Amerasinghe
- Glaucoma: 30 years on - by Colm O’Brien
- Vision for the future: Changes to Glaucoma UK’s research programme in 2025 - by Joanna Hodgkinson
- The roles of a multidisciplinary approach in the management of glaucoma - by Michelle Walsh, Matthew Roney, Luisa Castro-Roger and Neeru Amrita Vallabh
- Challenging the universal gold standard for glaucoma surgery? The case for MIGS and MIBS in glaucoma management - by Rod McNeil
- Evolving towards an interventional glaucoma mindset - by Gus Gazzard and Jan Beiting
- Industry News
- Events
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editors - by Rosalyn Painter and Richard Bell
- Understanding the role of healthcare scientists and ophthalmic imagers: An international perspective - by Paula Anderson, John Golding, Veronika Matello
- A comparison of light sources in retinal imaging - by Fabio Galli
- ANTS Imaging Competition Winners!
- A day in the life: Clinical photography and reconstructive science - by Zoe McGahey and Katy Spicer
- Imaging the meibomian glands (meibography) - By Richard Bell
- Industry News
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editor - by Andrena McElvanney
- What is driving dry eye disease? - by Laura Maubon
- Dry eye and menopause - by Nikolina Budimlija
- Prescription of lubricating eye drops in EED: a quality improvement project (Dec 2022–Feb 2023) - by Fiona Carley, Noorulain Khalid, Unsaar Hayat, Muhammad Chaudhary, Christos Iosifidis and Felipe
- Intense pulsed light treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction. An oculoplastic view - by Jane Olver
- Conference News
- Industry News
- MCLOSA and the development of medical contact lens practice in the UK - by Andrena McElvanney
- The history of the International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eyes - by Jane Olver
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editors - by Christina Rennie, Sonya Wallbank
- Wellbeing when all is not well: an interview with Dr Robert Self - by Robert Self, Peter Cackett
- The work of Friends of Moorfields - by Cathryn Wynn-Jones, Angela Smith
- Burnout: ubiquitous and unavoidable - by Meriam Islam, Abdus Samad Ansari
- Learning from the pandemic about who we are, even if we are HR - by Cheryl Samuels, Sonya Wallbank
- A conversation on kindness with Bob Klaber - by Bob Klaber, Christina Rennie
- 10 daily habits damaging your eyesight (and changes you can make to remedy against them) - by Nimmi Mistry
- Directory of organisations and services
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editor - Andrew Tatham
- A glance into the past: tracing the history of glacoma treatment - by Petya Popova, Amrita Vallabh
- Diagnosis of glaucoma in the community in Uganda: The Glaucoma Screening and Treatment (GLAST) project for Southwestern Uganda - by Viola Ninsiima, John Onyango, Daniel Atwine, Simon Arunga
- Celebrating the past and anticipating the future - Glaucoma UK turns 50 - by Joanne Creighton
- Neovascular glaucoma - A review - by Saajan Ramji, Saurabh Goyal, Jairo Torres, Obeda Kailani, Abdus Samad Ansari
- Team roles in glaucoma care - by Lynne Hadley, Juliat Burns, Emma Coleman, Scott Jones
- Industry News
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editors - by Rosalyn Painter, Richard Bell
- Registration of imagers on a voluntary register - by Rosalyn Painter
- Slit-lamp imaging: more than a photo - by Dorren Agyeman, Gemma Edwards
- The first ophthalmic artists - by Jonathan Brett
- Do we need FAF imaging as well as SD-OCT for hydroxychloroquine - by Richard Bell
Click the cover for the digital edition
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editor - by Andrena McElvanney
- The role of meibomian gland dysfunction in evaporative dry eye - by Sai Kolli
- Effective management of dry eye and ocular surface disease - by Rod McNeil
- Eye as a bone! - by Callum Singh grewal and Paras Agarwal
- Conference News - MCLOSA Annual Scientific Meeting
- Research News - Novel regenerative peptide therapy for dry eye disease, BRM421, advances to Phase 3 clinical trials
- Industry News
Click the cover for the digital edition
Rosalyn Painter (OIA) and Richard Bell (BARS) have joined forces for this special imaging in ophthalmology supplement in Eye News.
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Welcome from the editors - by Rosalyn Painter, Richard Bell
- A brief history of ophthalmic imaging - by Steve Aldington
- The response to COVID-19 in an ophthalmic imaging unit - by Laura Redfearn
- Introduction to the Gloucestershire retinal education group - by Rosalyn Painter, Claire Waite
- A guide to ophthalmic imaging groups and associations - by Rosalyn Painter, Richard Bell
- Experiencing the University diploma in optical coherence tomography interpretation course run by GREG
- Inconversation with Gerard de Graaf (ICOP)
- Book review