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Using consumables donated by Surgitrac Instruments, the Andean Medical Mission (AMM) has just returned from a transformative one-month trip to northern Bolivia. The team, led by Mr. Jeremy Joseph on his third mission with AMM, operated on 121 patients with cataracts and other blinding diseases.

Mr. Joseph was supported by Mr. Pavandeep Singh on his second trip and Mr. Shah on his first. Emma Dixon, an optometrist from the UK, managed the clinics, while Simon Howling, on his second trip, ensured smooth operations. Rocio Castro, a Bolivian nurse, integrated seamlessly into the team this year.

The team achieved impressive results, performing 71 operations in Magdalena and several more complex cases requiring general anaesthesia in Santa Ana. Among the highlights was a successful cataract operation on a man who had been bilaterally blind for years; he walked unaided into the clinic with a big smile, repeatedly expressing his gratitude.

The mission also restored sight to two half-sisters with congenital cataracts and a two-year-old with a traumatic cataract. Most patients, who previously had only light perception or hand movement vision, achieved 6/6 to 6/24 vision one-week post-op. While a few patients did not see the hoped-for improvements, none were worse off than before.

After a month on the road, the team completed all planned surgeries, discharged most patients, and arranged further support for those needing it. The June 2024 trip was a great success!

Surgitrac is proud to have played a key role in supporting AMM’s success in Bolivia and looks forward to continuing this partnership in the future.



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