New editorial coordinator joins the Eye News team

We are delighted to announce that Chris Henson will be joining the Eye News team as editorial coordinator from this week.

Medical and eye health teams defy odds to deliver treatments for trachoma in Ethiopia, but millions worldwide risk return of disease amid UK aid cuts

Ophthalmologists, nurses, and eye health workers in Ethiopia defied the odds to treat millions with trachoma-fighting antibiotics and surgeries - despite cuts to UK Aid assistance threatening eye care. This World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day Orbis, the international eye care...

Could you mentor budding ophthalmologists in London?

King’s College London Ophthalmology Society is looking for ophthalmologists from any level based in a London hospital that would be able to give guidance and support to a medical student.

Esme’s Umbrella becomes first CBS charity in the world

Esme’s Umbrella – the Campaign to raise awareness of Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) – has been given charity status by the England and Wales Charity Commission.

Eye News announces new partnership

We are delighted to announce we are now media partners of King's College London Ophthalmology Society.

Unique exhibition conveys experience of visual impairment

The exhibition ‘Windows of the Soul’, part of the Bloomsbury Festival in London, has been pioneered by a combination of young scientists, clinicians and artists, some of whom are visually impaired themselves.

Charity partners celebrate 10 years in Zambia

Vision Aid Overseas and Specsavers are celebrating 10 years of working together.

Study shows laser treatment could significantly improve treatment for glaucoma in Africa

Results of a trial published in Lancet Global Health on 14/10/21 could pave the way for significant improvements in treatment for glaucoma in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Congratulations to the SOC poster prize winners!

The Scottish Ophthalmological Club (SOC) recently hosted another excellent webinar on the theme ‘Post COVID – The Best of Times and The Worst of Times'.

New helpline to offer support to thousands of Scots with sight loss

The new telephone service from Sight Scotland, Scotland’s largest sight loss charity, offers someone for people with sight loss and their families to turn to for information, advice and support.

New Ophthalmic Nurse Triage Course launched

A new online Ophthalmic Nurse Triage Course has been developed by Stanley Keys, an experienced hospital optometrist based in Inverness and developer of Optometry Evolution (an educational website for eye-care professionals.)

AI breakthrough brings geographic atrophy treatment a step closer

A team led by Dr Konstantinos Balaskas at Moorfields Eye Hospital Reading Centre has developed a fully automated, deep-learning model (algorithm) that can detect and quantify geographic atrophy using standard optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans.