College of Optometrists urges next government to prioritise eye health

The College of Optometrists is calling on the next Westminster government to establish optometrists as the first port of call for anyone with an eyecare issue.

Shetland actress stars in RNIB’s general election film

Sandra Voe (87) from Shetland, has stared in a film which highlights the need for accessible voting for blind and partially sighted people.

RCOphth 2024 Report

A comprehensive tapestry of all our RCOphth Annual Congress content captured between 20–23 May 2024.

The third #AspireOphth Competition is here!

The RCOphth 2024 Annual Congress / #EyeConUK is coming up and you know what that means, we're teaming up again with Sohiab R Rufai for another #AspireOphth Competition!

College insight: RCOphth Annual Congress 2024

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists share with Eye News some insights to 2024's annual congress.

Winner announced for the Silmo IOA International Optician of the Year Award

The International Opticians Association (IOA) has announced the winner of the Silmo IOA International Optician of the Year Award. This innovative award recognises the importance of the optician in the optical business and their role in the choice of optimum products for their clientele.