From dry eyes to glaucoma: How the menopause impacts your eyes and what to do about it, according to an optician
25 October 2024
menopause, dry eye, eye drops, Nimmi Mistry, WMD2024, cornea, glaucoma, cataracts, oestrogen, Vision Direct, opticians, optometry
Menopause, much like entering puberty, comes with hormonal disruptions that change a woman's body and behaviour. Some of the first visible side effects are hot flushes, weight gain, and acne, accompanied by behavioural symptoms like mood swings, insomnia, and brain...
Preview: ISD-DE 2024
A preview of the 14th Congress of the International Society of Dacrylogy and Dry Eye, in London 29–31 May 2024.
Andy Hill (NuVision Biotherapies) discusses recent AOP update to clinical guidelines
8 December 2023
NuVision, Andy Hill, amniotic membranes, guidelines, AOP, optometrist, outpatient, dry eye, lens
There are currently 600,000 people on the NHS waiting list for ophthalmology treatment, and over 5 million people in the UK currently live with dry eye disease. Here Andy Hill, CEO at NuVision Biotherapies Ltd, discusses a recent update to clinical guidelines and what this means for optometrists, patients, and taxpayers.