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The Association of British Dispensing Opticians and the College of Optometrists have confirmed their advice following the announcement from the Prime Minister on Sunday.

They issued the following joint statement:

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday evening, the Association of British Dispensing Opticians and the College of Optometrists confirm that the current clinical advice to deliver essential / urgent / emergency eyecare only remains in place and to fully utilise remote consultations to provide support to the public in the first instance. Routine sight tests continue to be suspended until further notice.

We request that all practitioners continue to adhere to each nations’ guidance on the provision of eyecare services.

The Optometric Fees Negotiating Committee has further defined 'essential' eyecare as follows:

“this includes but is not limited to appointments for patients who would not normally be considered to be emergencies, but where, in the practitioner’s professional judgement, a delay in an examination may be detrimental to a patient’s sight or wellbeing. This may include where patients have broken or lost their glasses or contact lenses and need a replacement pair to function.”