We are delighted to announce we are now media partners of King's College London Ophthalmology Society.
KCLOS are a group of highly motivated, visionary and ambitious budding ophthalmologists striving to promote medical education, challenge training opportunities and set new standards for undergraduate ophthalmology teaching. They aim to provide medical students in all year groups with an insight into ophthalmology as a career.
The society provides a platform for those who wish to pursue a career in ophthalmology or are simply interested in the field and want to learn more about it and run a number of events, like a Duke Elder National Revision Course, a Microsurgical Skills Training Course and the National Undergraduate Ophthalmology Conference.
This year, the National Undergraduate Ophthalmology Conference will be held virtually on 20 November. The Society are also hoping to host the first Eye-ball in 2022.
Find out more: https://www.kclsu.org/organisation/15704/