RCOphth Annual Congress 2023 22-25 May 2023


25 May - click here to see our daily eshot 


16:00: Right, that's us at Eye News signing off from this year's RCOphth Annual Congress. It's been an absolute pleasure meeting all of those in attendance. Until next year (in Belfast?!). 




14:00: Our Eye News wall planners have been flying out and together with all the other materials we've given away over the past few days, they've been a big hit. These wall planners are proudly sponsored by BVI Medical and we were chuffed to get a little snapshot with their friendly team before cleaning up our stand ready for our departure. To have your event or conference included in next year's Eye News wall planner, please contact us before mid-October.



13:00: Not only did we get to see the award-giving ceremony during the presidential handover yesterday, we also got to take some snaps of the winners of Altomed's #fastestringer competition. Well done to (1st) Carl Mulholland (pictured) from Glasgow, (2nd) Chris Ashton from London and (3rd) Maria Tadros from Staffordshire.



11:00: Well, who do we have here? We only managed to bump into the RCOphth's new president, Ben Burton, who recently received the presidential handover from Bernard Chang. Congratulations, Ben! We look forward to seeing your work with the college unfold. 



10:30: How lucky were we to sit in on Colm O'Brien's talk on new glaucoma risk factors! Colm O'Brien has a warm presence amongst the Eye News family as he was featured in one of our first ever issues back in 1994! And we're excited to welcome him back to the publication in our upcoming 30th Anniversary Issue!



09:00: Early this morning we managed to snatch a moment with OPTIC UK’s incredibly busy exhibition coordinator, Deanna Price, who, when asked about her experience over the last few days, said: “We’ve been thrilled by the turnout for this year’s congress and now, with the pandemic behind us, it’s incredible to see how many students, industry and health care professionals make the most of these events in person. For us at OPTIC UK, it’s a great opportunity to further develop our relationships with industry-leading exhibitors and we look forward to working with The Royal College of Ophthalmologists again in the future.”­­


Today's Calendar:

09:00 – 17:05: Glaucoma Specialty Day co-organised and chaired by Andrew Tatham
14:45 – 15:05: Glaucoma Specialty Day: At Home: The I-TRAC study – Andrew Tatham


24 May - click here to see our daily eshot


16:00: We were excited to run into our Medicolegal Section Editor for the magazine, Amar Alwitry, this afternoon where he was participating in the Medicolegal Session including "You're the Judge" Interactive Talk. For the recent results of our Medicolegal survey, click here.



13:00: After filling up at lunch on chicken curry, rice and naan bread, we jumped into the Duke Elder Lecture, delivered by Susmito Biswas, on The Challenges of Managing Anterior Segment Developmental Abnormalities in Infants and Children. As always, Hall 1 enticed a strong turnout from delegates and while Biswas' resume exceeds him, his lecture was more than we could have hoped for.   


11:00: The Patient Wellbeing sessions kicked off with some hard-hitting statistics, claiming that 2.2 billion people suffer from visual impairment worldwide, of which 50% is preventable or undetected. Exploring the mental health concerns that are present for many within these numbers were Bernie Chang, Richard Gale, Mhairi Thurston, James Talks, Amanda Hawkins and last but not least, two dear friends of Eye News, Peter Cackett and Tariq Aslam.  



10:30: The winners of our #AspireOphth Competition turned out in high spirits and were met by the wonderful Sohaib Rufai, author of the prize book, MCQs for FRCOphth Part I. Our winners this year were Dr Chanelle Smith and Periklis Giannakis. Well done to both of you!



09:00: The turnout for the President's Handover was, as expected, huge, and we're really plased to have made it in and witness the award-giving ceremony, too. 



08:00: Bright and early here with the other attendees at the International Centre for Eye Health’s VISION 2020 Links & Networks Programme. Great to see our interviewees Fatima Kyari, Dorothy Mutie and Amos Kibata presenting their segments, and it's always a pleasure to bump into Marcia Zondervan, Covadonga Bascaran and Nick Astbury, who are vital in providing the VISION 2020 projects



23 May - click here to see our daily eshot


15:30: Always a pleasure to run into our regular contributor, Peter Cackett, and our former co-editor, Tariq Aslam. Both of these fine ophthalmologists are present in our first episode of Eye Views, which can be listened to here. Don't forget to subscribe and if you're insterested in Pete's Bogus Journey articles, you can buy his book!



14:00: The Ophthalmic Trainee Group Symposium kicked off with our very own co-editor of Eye News, David Lockington, alongside Dr Haider Al-Hakim and CK Patel, full of promise, insight and well-versed methods of sustainable working practices.



13:00: Really excited to be featuring an article by this wonderful ophthalmologist, Fatima Kyari, in our upcoming June-July issue - it was a pleasure to meet you, Fatima - and we're excited to hear her fellow VISION 2020 Links delegates Amos Kibata and Dorothy Mutie speak tomorrow. Look out for their interviews in today's eShot! 



11:30: Our Sales guru, Linda, has been mingling and shaking hands as always and brought the wonderful Åsa Baudin from Ocular Surface Insight (OSI) Magazine over to our stand to say hello! Find out more from this brilliant publication here



10:00: We just had a lovely run-in with Periklis Giannakis, a featured contributor to Eye News in the past and recent participant in The #AspireOphth Competition. Don't forget to get your entries in before 17:00 today! Find out more here.



09:00: We're another box of Tunnock's Teacakes down with a fresh one just open! Come and get yours before they run out!



08:00: Delegates are coming in early this morning for the session How to Read An AI Publication in Ophthalmology chaired by Periklis Giannakis and Konstantinos Balaska. It's shaping up to be a busy day at The RCOphth Annual Congress 2023!


22 May - click here to see our daily eshot


  • 13:30 – Sunil Shah delivered the Barrie Jones lecture, Developing Ophthalmology in Cambodia, and shared with us some hard-to-hear facts but also solutions and routes towards a successful future.



  • 12:30 – Théa book signing – After delivering a talk this morning during the president’s session titled Treasures at the College, Mr Richard Keeler and Professor Harminder S Dua were out at the Théa stand in Hall 3 to sign their book, The Eye in History.



  • 11:00 – We were also delighted to run into Sohaib Rufai, further promote our #AspireOpthth competition and grab some snapshots with several of our favourite delegates! With Wednesday’s (24th) deadline quickly approaching, you’ve still got a chance to enter and win a copy of author Sohaib Rufai’s invaluable book! Find out more here.



  • 09:00 – We’ve managed to mingle with a good mix of both health care professionals and professors as well as industry, which you will see below, including Christina Rennie, Sight Sciences and Sense Medical. Today, Christina she helped deliver Kindness: The Business End of Healthcare with a great turnout. Tomorrow, she will be part of Patient Safety Incident Response Framework: A framework for learning and Improvement, being presented at 16:30 in Hall 11. Here are some words from her about the upcoming event:



  • 08:00 – The RCOphth Annual Congress 2023 has begun! The sun is out and shining down on Birmingham’s ICC and with it, hundreds of delegates arrived early, ready for the President’s Session which kickstarted the day at 09:00.
To check out our full preview of congress, click here.