So, why would an ophthalmologist and an optometrist want to do a podcast together? Historically, our professions have not always had the most harmonious of relationships and being brought up in Ireland in the 1970s and 80s, one north and one south of the border,  we know how counter productive division can be. However, we also know how much more can be achieved by working together and the benefits of listening to and learning from other people’s perspectives. So this is the ethos behind Eyes on Tomorrow, which like many good Irish ideas, evolved from a conversation between friends in a pub, over a pint of Guinness.
Eyes on Tomorrow is being launched on the 12th July, each episode features a relaxed conversation with a leader and innovator in eyecare, discussing their work and how it has shaped our every day practices, their influences and thoughts on what innovations lie just over the horizon. There will also be plenty of anecdotes, so if you want to find out how Peter Scanlon, the founding father of diabetic retinopathy screening, got the VAT man to pay for his trip to Venice on the Orient Express, or why Robyn Gymer rebuked Professor Bird during her first clinic at Moorfields, to the horror of the assembled Fellows, then subscribe to us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or where ever you get your podcasts.
To find out more about each upcoming episode and to subscribe to their monthly newsletter and visit Eyes on Tomorrow ( 10% of all proceeds from the newsletter will be donated to Orbis UK, our charity partner. We are very grateful to Thea for their generous support of the podcast.