The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) has advised that protecting patients during the COVID-19 pandemic is "best achieved by cancelling routine clinical activity, allowing resources available to be used to treat those identified as being at high risk of serious, permanent visual loss".

Alimeria Sciences and Heidelberg Engineering have joined together to facilitate a webinar where clinicians will discuss the RCOphth management guidelines alongside the perceived short and long-term impact of these changes to normal practice in hospital eye clinics.

The live interactive webinar ‘COVID–19: Clinical Experience and Impact in Ophthalmology’ will take place on Wednesday 22 April 2020 at 7:00-8:00pm. It will be chaired by Professor Faruque Ghanchi, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Bradford Royal Infirmary, and will feature presentations from four eminent ophthalmologists.


  • Welcome and introduction: Webinar chair - Professor Faruque Ghanchi, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Bradford Royal Infirmary, UK
  • RCOphth guidance for ophthalmology services during the COVID-19 pandemic: Dr William Tucker, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital
  • Local experience, Bradford Royal Infirmary: Dr Helen Devonport, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
  • Local experience, Moorfields Eye Hospital: Dr Konstantinos Balaskas, Consultant Ophthalmologist
  • Spanish experience, Clínica Oftalvist: Dr Roberto Gallego-Pinazo, Valencia, Spain
  • Question and answers session

Register here.