Welcome to the fifth episode of Beyond 2020, the series that looks at strategies to eliminate avoidable blindness in countries with developing eyecare services and shares ideas and solutions to common difficulties in working abroad. In this addition, Dave Goldsmith talks about the basic data NGOs need to collect on each eye surgery trip in order to maximise the experience and develop their practice.

Dipping into the subject of record keeping and auditing, Dave discusses some ideas that can help NGOs take accurate notes to be used after trips, how these notes are ordered, what needs to be audited and what to do with all of the information at the end. 

Please like and subscribe to the series to get each episode and join the conversation by commenting with your thoughts and views. We look forward to seeing you. 



Dave Goldsmith, General Manager of the Andean Medical Mission, can be contacted by email at: dave@andeanmedicalmission.co.uk.