Paediatric ophthalmology five-year results of atropine 0.01% efficacy in the myopia control in a European population
This a prospective, randomised and longitudinal study from Madrid, Spain in 361 eyes from 361 children randomised into the control group (177 eyes with no treatment) and the treatment group (184 eyes with 0.01% atropine drops once daily). Complete eye...
Conjunctival lesions in paediatric patients
This article documents the conjunctival lesions in paediatric patients from one unit from 2011–22 inclusive in the UK. There was a total of 85 cases with a mean age presentation of seven years old. Most common lesions were naevi (40%),...
Should we work together to identify congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction and otitis media?
The authors present a retrospective medical notes review. The aim of the study was to establish how common tympanostomy tube (T-tube) insertion is in children needing probe and intubation (P&I) for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO). All cases of CNLDO...
Being more consistent with screening for convergence insufficiency
This prospective cases series aimed to identify the average values and sensitivity of clinical measurements of convergence to aid diagnosis of convergence insufficiency (CI). Children and adults presenting over a two-year period with symptoms including diplopia when reading, headache with...
Prevalence of anisometropia and associated factors in Iranian children
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anisometropia and the associated demographic and biometric risk factors in children. Data were taken from the first phase of the Shahroud Schoolchildren Eye Cohort cross-sectional study. From this phase,...
Alternative diagnosis in cases of poor response to amblyopia therapy
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of coexistent ocular pathology and identify / describe the factors that contribute to undiagnosed alternate diagnosis and / or co-existent pathology at initial presentation in patients referred as potentially amblyopic....
Gene profiling for a family with Duane’s retraction syndrome
The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and genomic features of a family with special types of Duane’s retraction syndrome (DRS). The mother and son had obvious clinical features. The son displayed features of horizontal gaze palsy...
Silicone band loop myopexy as surgical treatment of myopic strabismus fixus in children
This study reports the outcomes of silicone band loop myopexy in a case series of seven children (10 eyes) with myopic strabismus fixus. There were five males and two females with a median age of five years (range 3–11). Six...
Corneal and astigmatic changes after medial rectus recession surgery of 6mm
This study prospectively compared changes in astigmatism before and two months after unilateral recession of medial rectus muscles using Pentacam. The fellow unoperated eye was used as the control eye. The study included 66 eyes and 33 patients; 21 males,...
Clinical and anatomical differences for heavy eye syndrome, highly myopic sagging eye syndrome, and sagging eye syndrome
The authors explored the mechanisms underlying the development of heavy eye syndrome (HES), highly myopic sagging eye syndrome (SES)-like, and SES with the aim to differentiate the three conditions clinically and anatomically to aid treatment decision-making. This was a retrospective...
One vs two muscle surgery results for small / moderate angle horizontal strabismus
The authors aimed to compare the long-term surgical outcomes of one vs two muscle surgery in 89 patients with horizontal strabismus of small to moderate angle (<25PD). This was a retrospective study with a minimum six-month follow-up period. One muscle...
Changing surgery trends from 2009–2020
This paper reports a review of the number and type of surgeries over one decade in a Portuguese hospital. This was a retrospective review of 2050 surgeries. About 70% were strabismus surgery and the remainder included anterior segment and retinopathy...