GA position of eyes

The authors assessed eye position based on the corneal reflex position (Hirschberg test) using a standardised measurement on pictures taken at the preoperative evaluation and under general anaesthesia (GA) in 41 patients. The mean ocular deviation taken at the preoperative...

Non-accidental retinal haemorrhages

The authors sought to determine whether the presence of retinal haemorrhages (RH) correlated positively to individuals who confessed to shaking (group a) compared to those who did not confess but were identified as the likely perpetrators (group b) and cases...

Comparison of vision screeners

The primary purpose of this study was to calibrate the various paediatric photoscreeners over a range of contact lens induced hyperopic and astigmatic anisometropia using the American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) criteria for anisometropic or axial astigmatism....

Coeliac disease and anterior scleritis

The authors present an interesting case report of recurrent anterior scleritis. Circulating IgA and IgG auto-antibodies directed against tissue transglutaminase, endomisium and gliadin are frequently elevated in patients with coeliac disease. The classic symptoms remain chronic diarrhoea, malabsorption syndromes and...

Translucent vs. lightproof occluders

This study investigates the change in visual acuity following occlusion in amblyopes and non-amblyopes using translucent versus lightproof occlusion of the dominant eye. Group 1 non-amblyopes consisted of 26 subjects: 16 visually normal and 10 strabismic or anisometropic subjects without...

Saccadic differences under cover test

Patients with intermittent exotropia and exophoria plus ortho subjects underwent measurement of saccadic reaction times (SRTs) to compare those occurring in one eye and those occurring with alternating cover tests (ACTs). Twenty-five subjects were studied. Results for the intermittent exotropia...

Impact of orthoptic re-exam in screening

The authors evaluated whether the re-examination within the orthotic screening in children with questionable results at the first examination can reduce the number of submissions to specialists and avoid a high number of false positives. This was a retrospective study...

Photoscreening comparison

The A09/S09 photoscreener contains a fixation target of flashing lights (as for the S04) plus a smiley face which is new. Concerns were raised that the smiley face may stimulate less accommodation than the S04 attention lights and therefore potentially...

Quality of esotropia referrals

The purpose was to examine the quality of referrals made for children with esotropia and to evaluate management offered prior to referral. This retrospective study identified 326 children with esotropia aged less than five years and referred over a period...

Comparison of bilateral lateral and unilateral recession resection for IXT

This is a retrospective review study of patients between the ages of three and 15 years old with the basic type of intermittent exotropia (IXT) who had strabismus surgery between January 2003 to September 2009. There were 85 patients included...

Strabismus in craniosynostosis

This review article provides a comprehensive overview of the cause of craniosynostosis, types of syndromes and with a specific purpose of discussing strabismus related to craniosynostosis. The authors report their review in the following sections: prevalence and types of strabismus...

Effects of clonidine vs. placebo

The purpose of this study was to measure postoperative agitation using a standardised scale and evaluate whether it is reduced if given clonidine prior to strabismus surgery as compared to placebo. The scales included the Pediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium (PAED)...