Data update for leading causes of CVI in England and Wales
In this article the authors present an epidemiological update, based on certifiable visual impairment (CVI) registration for figures for sight impairment (SI) in England and Wales from the last report of 2007-2008 to the current data for April 2012 to...
Mast cells in Graves’ ophthalmopathy
Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO) is a potentially sight-threatening ocular disease, occurring in patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease. Also known as thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, GO is characterised by orbital infiltration by immune cells including macrophages, T cells and plasma cells, which...
Systemic anti-inflammatory versus fluocinolone acetonide intraocular implant
In the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) trial, 255 patients with intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis or panuveitis were randomised to either fluocinolone acetonide intraocular implant or systemic corticosteroid therapy which was supplemented with immunosuppression if required. Patients were followed up...
25-gauge PPV for retained lens fragments
This was a retrospective study including 40 eyes of 40 patients with mean age of 78 years, 19 females and 21 males, who underwent 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for retained lens fragments with a minimum of six months of...
Cataract surgery and circadian photoentrainment
The study authors sought to investigate the possible effects of circadian photoentrainment following cataract. This was a randomised clinical trial, where 76 eyes of 76 patients (with bilateral cataract) were randomised to blue-blocking or neutral intraocular lenses (IOLs). Outcome measures...
Intravitreal aflibercept for diabetic macular oedema
The VISTA and VIVID randomised phase 3 trial were designed to compare the efficacy and safety of intravitreal aflibercept injections versus laser photocoagulation for diabetic macular oedema (DMO). A total of 872 patients with centrally involving DMO were recruited, and...
Effect of voriconazole of vision of healthy volunteers
Voriconazole is a broad spectrum, triazole antifungal agent used for systemic fungal infections. It has a favourable safety profile and is available in both intravenous and oral forms. The commonest adverse drug reactions with voriconazole are changes in visual perception,...
Blinking and driving
Spontaneous blinking is dependent on cognitive processes and is regulated by a central pacemaker that is highly sensitive to the attention demands and cognitive workload of the visual task in hand. There is evidence of a variability in the frequency...
Pentacam vs. IOL Master keratometry measurement in IOL power calculations
The IOL Master measures only the anterior corneal curvature and estimates the total corneal power by assuming a fixed relationship between the anterior and posterior corneal surface. The Pentacam measures both the anterior and posterior corneal surface and therefore calculates...
Spectral domain OCT vs. confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope in measuring RNFL thickness
The aim of this prospective study was to compare the retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (RNFL) measurements obtained from the Cirrus optical coherence tomography (spectral domain OCT) with the Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph 3 (HRT3, confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope). Eighty-eight normal...
Topical doxycycline for corneal neovascularisation
Six eyes with corneal vascularisation were treated with 1% topical doxycycline, four times a day for three weeks. The patients were reviewed at various intervals over a period of one year. The eyes selected had neovascularisation secondary to a variety...
Antibiotic prophylaxis after intravitreal injections
The use of topical antibiotics as prophylaxis after intravitreal injections is a contentious issue, especially now with increasing use of intravitreal anti-VEGF agents. In the Wills Eye Institute, prior to May 2011, all patients undergoing intravitreal injections in the office...