Quality of life of children and parents with and without a wide range of eye conditions
A prospective study collecting quality of life data from children with a wide range of eye conditions, as well as visually normal controls using the Pediatric Eye Questionnaire (PedEyeQ) between the ages 0 and 17 years. One thousand and thirty-seven...
Quality of life pre and post-op of adults with cyclo-deviation
The authors present a prospective cohort study of adult patients with a cyclo-deviation and associated diplopia due to have strabismus surgery during a five-year period. Two groups were formed depending on the type of surgery required whether this was targeted...
Age and prevalence of amblyopia in Ghana
The overall aim of this study was to determine the pattern and prevalence of amblyopia and assess the treatment options used in a rural hospital in Ghana. The authors conducted a retrospective study from 2014-2018. Of 12,860 clinical records, 12,602...
Strabismus prevalence in the republic of Moldova
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and rate of newly detected manifest strabismus cases in the paediatric population of the Republic of Moldova over 2011-2017. Average coverage of paediatric prophylactic examinations was 60.1% annually – paediatric...
Distance esotropia due to excessive near work
The authors aimed to review cases with divergence insufficiency esotropia in 12 young adults associated with excessive near work. Patients were aged 28.17 ±4.06 years and had normal external, anterior / posterior segment examinations and no neurological signs. Ten had...
Binocular viewing amblyopia therapy
The authors compared conventional occlusion therapy for amblyopia with binocular viewing amblyopia therapy (MFBF) for effects on binocular vision and visual acuity. During MFBF the amblyopic eye perceives the target while the fellow eye perceives the background. Both eyes see...
Long-term outcomes of recess / resect for sensory XT
The purpose of this study was to evaluate relationships between initial and long-term outcome of unilateral recess / resect surgery in adult sensory exotropia, factors associated with long-term outcome, exotropia drift and time to failure follow-up surgery. This was a...
YouTube videos for strabismus information
The aim of this study was to assess the quality, reliability and popularity of YouTube videos addressing strabismus. The authors searched YouTube using keywords of strabismus, squint, eye squint and crossed eye. The top 50 for each search were taken;...
Partial recession surgery for small angle vertical strabismus
The objective of this study was to assess the results of partial recessions of the vertical rectus muscles in patients with diplopia and small angle vertical strabismus. This was a retrospective study of partial temporal or nasal recession from one...
Spot screener versus Grand Seiko measurements
The authors aimed to determine repeatability and reproducibility of refractive values and pupil size measured using the Spot Vision Screener and to compare its measurement values with the Grand Seiko autorefractor. This was a cross-sectional study of 22 healthy adults;...
Residual esotropia surgery comparisons
The aim was to compare lateral rectus resection and plication methods in patients with residual esotropia for postoperative success rate, dose response, ipsilateral medial rectus limitations and reoperation. The study included 57 patients (31 female, 26 male) with 27 plication...
Medial rectus anatomy in exotropia
This study investigates the differences between extraocular muscles in patients with intermittent exotropia and normal controls regarding muscle fibre arrangement and diameter, and distribution and activation of satellite cells. Fifteen patients were recruited having medial rectus resection surgery. Resection sections...