VA and stereo changes with increasing Bangerter filters
This study investigated the effect of monocular blur induced by Bangerter filters (BF) on both monocular and binocular visual acuity (VA) and stereoacuity in normal visual systems. Subjects included 24 healthy student volunteers aged 20.33 ±1.79 years; 22 female. One...
Central fixation testing in microtropia
This study compared the two assessment methods of the 4D prism test and ocular fixation assessment in order to identify micro strabismus with identity. The study included 112 children; 46 males and 66 females. Anisometropia was present in 108 patients...
Survey of parental experience of contact lens support
In this study, the service under evaluation is for paediatric aphakia patients. Soft contact lenses (CLs) are inserted at the time of surgery and remain in-situ for the immediate postoperative period. The aim is for families to undertake daily CLs...
Quantifying ductions and fields of BSV
The authors aimed to evaluate current clinical practice of quantifying ductions and fields of binocular single vision (BSV) in the UK and Ireland. An online questionnaire was used and was circulated via the British & Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS) member...
Evaluation of a service providing sight impairment registration for stroke survivors
This service evaluation study of a hospital single centre stroke service was undertaken to determine reasons for declining sight registration, whether patients feel supported without registration and determine changes needed to improve registration processes. A review of existent data was...
Care pathway for isolated orbital blowout fractures
The authors conducted a literature review to inform the development of a care pathway for the assessment and management of adult fractures, specifically isolated fractures not combined with facial or systemic injury. Assessments included a core of Hess chart, field...
Effect of alcohol dependency on visual function
The purpose of this study was to evaluate visual function, attention and psychological profiles in consumer and abstainer alcohol dependency syndrome (ADS) patients in a Portuguese population. The study was a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study over a one-year...
IOL power in short eyes
Prospective analysis of 269 eyes of 269 patients between 2017 and 2020, with axial length (AL) of 22mm or less. New principles for calculating IOL power were recently developed, including formulas based on paraxial ray-tracing (Barrett and Olsen) and based...
Corectopia grading
The authors present a novel corectopia classification system using 28 eyes of 28 patients with or without corectopia. The grading and classification system for corectopia was as follows: (i) Direction of decentration: superior (DecS), superonasal (DecSN), nasal (DecN), inferonasal (DecIN),...
Complications after cataract surgery in high myopes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The authors review all the modern literature on complications after phacoemulsification in high myopes with axial lengths (AL) greater than 25.0mm. Twenty-eight studies reporting on 19,586 eyes were included. The corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) improved from 0.96 ± 0.53...
Posterior capsular rupture risk factors as reported in the European registry
In this cross-sectional review of the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (EUREQUO) including 2,853,376 patients and 31,749 cases with posterior capsular rupture (PCR), the authors observed a trend of reduction in PCR rate from 1.44%...
Effects of market competition on the price of topical eye drops in the US
The authors retrospectively examined the relationship between the number of Federal Drug Administration (FDA)-approved manufacturers and the price change of generic and branded topical eye medications based on the formulations listed in the FDA Orange Book and the National Average...