Stereo distance in XT
The test distance effect on stereoacuity was explored in a population with intermittent exotropia along with use of two types of stereograms with crossed and uncrossed disparity. At near and distance distances, the median for both disparities was 60”; 79%...
GP contact lenses in nystagmus
The purpose of this study was to quantify and evaluate the effect of rigid gas permeable contact lenses (CLs) on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and motor parameters of involuntary eye movements in hyperopic patients with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS). This...
Reducing myopia progression
This paper reports a literature review to discuss the environmental considerations and treatment options that can prevent the progression of myopia, including time spent outdoors, reduction of near vision activities, spectacle types, contact lens type and pharmacological treatment. The review...
PROM rating scales
The authors evaluated three commonly used Likert-type rating scales with an aim to determine which scale performed best when administering questions to children with eye disorders, and their parents. Three scales looked at frequency, severity and difficulty. An initial questionnaire...
N-T asymmetry in tracking eye movements
The current study aimed to quantify and compare the visual tracking responses of two sensory induced strabismic juvenile monkeys during monocular smooth pursuit, ocular following response and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). Monkey 1 had esotropia and monkey 2 had exotropia. Both...
Effectiveness and Safety of Dexamethasone implants for post surgical macular oedema including Irvine-gass syndrome
This is a retrospective, multicentre, uncontrolled, consecutive case series from Lyon, France between April 20111 to June 2014, with minimum of one year follow-up. The clinical features including the best corrected acuity (BCVA), central subfield macular thickness (CSMT) and intraocular...
Management of giant retinal tears with vitrectomy and perfluorocarbon liquid postoperatively as a short-term tamponade
The authors report an eight year retrospective case series study of 30 eyes of 29 patients with who underwent a giant retinal tear-related retinal detachment repair. M: F ratio was 23:6. Right to left eye ratio was 16:14. The mean...
Somatostatin protects retinal pericytes
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes, caused by high blood sugar levels damaging the retinal microvasculature. Mechanisms, such as oxidative stress and deposition of advanced glycation end products, leads to glial cell activation and neuronal apoptosis. Pericytes, contractile...
Subfoveal choroidal thickness and PCV
This report studies the prognostic factors for visual improvement and the need for additional treatments at one year after the initial combination therapy of intravitreal ranibizumab injection or intravitreal aflibercept injection followed by PDT in eyes with PCV. Fifty-six eyes...
Systemic pharmacology of intravitreal anti-VEGF
This study aimed to evaluate and compare serum drug concentrations and plasma free-VEGF concentrations in patients with AMD, DME, or RVO receiving intravitreal injections of aflibercept, bevacizumab or ranibizumab. This prospective study enrolled patients from several offices of a single...
Conversion factors for fovea on / off detachments
This is a retrospective study of medical records in a single unit over a 14 year period from January 2001 – December 2014, of patients who converted from fovea-on to fovea-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Ten cases were identified while...
Comparison of corneal deformation parameters in keratoconic and normal eyes
This study set out to compare biomechanical properties between normal and keratoconic eyes. It was a retrospective study evaluating 89 eyes (47 normal, 42 keratoconic) and a validation arm of 72 eyes (33 normal, 39 keratoconic) using a high speed...