Screening accuracy
In this study the authors observed whether and how well orthoptic tests are performed by non-orthoptists in a screening setting. They assessed the quality of screening tests by semi-structured observations of youth health care (YHC) physicians who screened children aged...
15 prism test for anisometropic amblyopia
The authors aimed to investigate the accuracy of the 15^ base in prism test (BIPT) in detecting amblyopia in anisometropic patients. This was a retrospective study in which the 15^BI was placed before the right eye followed by the left...
Occlusion amblyopia
The authors report a case of binocular diplopia developing in an eight-year-old autistic child following two hours of total occlusion per day for six weeks. The child did not automatically resuppress once occlusion was stopped. Occlusion with Blenderm tape prevented...
Orthoptic Cochrane reviews
The purpose of this study was to explore the Cochrane Eyes and Vision (CEV) library to extract and overview protocols and systematic reviews of relevance to orthoptic practice. A full database search was made of the 2016 library. Twenty-seven systematic...
Risk with density of suppression
The authors wished to determine the current practice of assessing and interpreting the density of suppression with the Sbisa / Bagolini filter bar in the management of amblyopia in the UK and to estimate the incidence of intractable diplopia following...
Dynamics of interocular suppression
The main aim of this study was to determine the development of the depth of interocular suppression in the course of occlusion treatment in amblyopia as well as its correlation with changes in visual acuity. The authors investigated whether presence...
Three methods of suppression measurement
Test-retest reliability and interchangeability are evaluated for three filter bars available to measure density of suppression: Sbisa bar, Bagolini filter (BF) bar and neutral density filter (NDF) bar. The study involved 10 strabismic adults. Testing conditions were altered and effects...
Iran prevalence of amblyopia
The authors aimed to determine the prevalence of amblyopia, its relation with refractive errors and its determinants. The target population was all children aged seven years in Iran. There were 3675 of 4157 children who participated (88.4%) with final analysis...