Angle of deviation measurements in seated and supine positions
The objectives of this study were to compare ocular deviation between the seated and decubitus positions in the operating room and assess the outcomes at one day, one month and three months postoperatively. This prospective study included 30 cases; two...
Knobby eye syndrome
This study used high resolution MRI to demonstrate and evaluate globe shape in axial high myopia and identify and characterise those with prominent equatorial staphylomata that deflect extraocular muscle paths and presumably alter motility patterns in strabismus. The study included...
Genetic profiles of primary strabismus
The authors explore the pedigree analysis of familial cases of primary concomitant strabismus (PCS) to unravel the genetic determinants of this strabismus. Of 2301 cases of PCS, 39 (1.7%) had familial clustering. This study recruited 18 families with esotropia and...
Screening accuracy
In this study the authors observed whether and how well orthoptic tests are performed by non-orthoptists in a screening setting. They assessed the quality of screening tests by semi-structured observations of youth health care (YHC) physicians who screened children aged...
Binocular summation responses in strabismic amblyopia
A preliminary study was conducted to determine whether binocular summation (BS) in strabismic amblyopia is more decreased than in strabismus alone and whether strabismus surgery improves BS. The study included 15 strabismic amblyopes, 30 normal controls and 30 strabismic controls....
Orthoptic Cochrane reviews
The purpose of this study was to explore the Cochrane Eyes and Vision (CEV) library to extract and overview protocols and systematic reviews of relevance to orthoptic practice. A full database search was made of the 2016 library. Twenty-seven systematic...
Vertical angle surgical outcomes
The surgical results of all patients undergoing isolated adjustable suture vertical squint surgery for thyroid eye disease are presented for a single centre over five years to explore the predictive factors for surgical planning. This was a retrospective study in...
GP contact lenses in nystagmus
The purpose of this study was to quantify and evaluate the effect of rigid gas permeable contact lenses (CLs) on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and motor parameters of involuntary eye movements in hyperopic patients with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS). This...
N-T asymmetry in tracking eye movements
The current study aimed to quantify and compare the visual tracking responses of two sensory induced strabismic juvenile monkeys during monocular smooth pursuit, ocular following response and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). Monkey 1 had esotropia and monkey 2 had exotropia. Both...
Strabismus and scleral buckling
The authors examine the incidence of strabismus following scleral buckle for retinal detachment surgery and the factors that influence the strabismus, its incidence, preventative measures and treatment options. This was a retrospective review of 344 patients (360 eyes) with a...
Surgical oculocardiac reflex
The authors evaluated the incidence of oculocardiac reflex (OCR) during strabismus surgery to determine its associated risk factors at a tertiary referral centre. Seventy-six patients were reviewed; 51.3% male and a mean age of 15±12 years. Strabismus surgery was bilateral...
Surgical effect of limited membrane dissection
Strabismus surgery was performed with minimal dissection of Tenons sheath and minimal tissue manipulation compared to conventional methods for patients with pure horizontal strabismus – to evaluate the effect on surgical outcomes. The study included 54 patients; 52% female. Mean...