Prism cover test variances
The purpose was to establish the inter-examiner variability and agreement between more than two examiners assessing children and adult patients. The study involved four experienced examiners. The alternate prism cover test (APCT) was conducted at near and distance in 41...
The rarebit vision test for macular conditions
Rarebit testing is used to measure low degrees of neuro-visual damage and is available for free on the internet. It consists of a fixed bright light dot presented on a black background. During testing it is presented briefly at different...
Computerised tomography in ocular trauma patients
Ocular trauma can be common in military settings. This retrospective study looked into the relationship between the clinical effects of acute ocular and orbital blast trauma with the findings on computerised tomography (CT). This was a consecutive case series of...
Smartphone based visual acuity
Smartphone technology is becoming widely available to all age groups and settings. Apps using Snellen acuity charts are widely available and this study evaluated the equivalence of a smartphone-based visual acuity chart with a standard 6m Snellen visual acuity (6SVA)...
Exposure to atomic bomb radiation and age-related macular degeneration in later life
This paper is one of the outcomes of the Adult Health Study; a cohort study of the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima-Nagasaki in Japan. It investigates the proposed association between pasty radiation exposure early in life and the presence of...
Analysis of risk factors for intraocular pressure rise following insertion of fluocinolone acetonide injection in uveitic patients
For this study, the authors analysed the pooled data from three phase2b / 3 multi-centre randomised controlled trials carried out over three years. Included patients had undergone at least one of the following treatments: 1) systemic therapy (corticosteroid / immunosuppressant...
Intensive diabetes therapy and ocular surgery in type 1 diabetes
The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) ran between 1983 and 1993 and showed that intensive glycaemic control was beneficial in reducing diabetic retinopathy in type 1 patients. There was a 76% reduction in onset of retinopathy and a 52%...
Long-term effect of gene therapy on Leber’s congenital amaurosis
After reporting the first successful gene therapy results for RPE65 deficiency in three patients in a brief report in 2008, the same team from London now report the results of 12 patients followed up for three years after transfection. As...
Uveitis in the elderly
This study from Turkey evaluated the causes and clinical characteristics of uveitis in elderly patients. Data from 90 eyes of 68 patients aged 60 years and older were reviewed. Anterior uveitis was present in 75% (33% of these had keratouveitis),...
Lucentis for pseudophakic CMO
Pseudophakic cystoid macular oedema (CMO) develops angiographically in up to 20-30% after uneventful phacoemulsification. This study aimed to evaluate the potential efficacy and safety of intravitreal ranibizumab in patients with pseudophakic CMO after cataract surgery. Seven eyes were included in...
Smoking and Behçet’s disease
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between smoking and prognosis of ocular Behçet’s disease (BD). Records of 202 patients with ocular features of BD were reviewed from a Turkish hospital. Patients were divided into two groups according to their...
Inner nuclear layer of the retina showing increase in thickness in diabetic macular oedema
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness in the developed world. With optical coherence tomography (OCT), it has become possible to image the retina in vivo and to measure retinal oedema by measuring retinal thickness (RT) with...