Mental health issues linked with strabismus
The purpose of this study was to determine if adults with non-paralytic forms of strabismus are at elevated risk for developing mental illness. This was a population-based case-controlled study of 297 adults with new onset non-paralytic strabismus; 42.4% were male....
Prism cover test variances
The purpose was to establish the inter-examiner variability and agreement between more than two examiners assessing children and adult patients. The study involved four experienced examiners. The alternate prism cover test (APCT) was conducted at near and distance in 41...
Medial rectus recession in Grave’s orbitopathy
The purpose of this retrospective study was to analyse the surgical effect / success rate of recession of the medial rectus in 90 patients with horizontal diplopia. Mean age was 52.5 ±9.4 years. Of that 24% had unilateral medial rectus...
Surgical outcomes in third nerve palsy
The authors of this article explore the factors associated with successful surgical outcomes in third nerve palsy, which is known to be difficult to treat. A number of case notes were reviewed for patients who underwent surgery or botulinum toxin...
Surgical success rates in abducens palsy management
The aim of the study was to identify factors associated with surgical outcomes in isolated abducens palsy. To achieve this goal the authors reviewed the records of adult patients with abducens palsy who underwent strabismus procedures during a fourteen year...
Reported cases of hemifield slide phenomenon
This article reports three cases of hemifield slide, a phenomenon whereby there is an inability to stabilise and fuse visual hemifields. It occurs with heteronymous visual field loss and is thought to result from the loss of corresponding retinal points....