Paediatric enucleation in a tertiary eye centre in North China, 2001-2015
2 December 2019
| Patty Mopamboli Mboli
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Enucleation, evisceration, ocular trauma, pediatric, retinoblastoma
The authors review the demography and aetiology of paediatric enucleation over a 15-year period. A total of 9307 paediatric ophthalmic inpatients ranging from 0 to 14 years who underwent surgery at Shandong Eye Institute over the past 15 years were...
Enucleation refusal for retinoblastoma
1 October 2016
| Huw Edward Oliphant
Enucleation refusal, global survival disparity, health inequalities, retinoblastoma, treatment compliance, treatment delay
Retinoblastoma is the most common eye cancer in childhood, with enucleation rarely being the only lifesaving surgical option, especially where evidence of extraocular spread is apparent. This study sought to survey a global pool of eye care professionals with regards...