Anatomical variations of the nasolacrimal system
The authors report a retrospective observational case series of 734 dacryocystography images; 689 from adult patients and 45 from paediatric patients. Of these 734 images, 35 (4.8%) were found to have an anatomical variant where the nasolacrimal duct emerged from...
Biopsy of nasolacrimal duct using sheath guided dacryoendoscopy
In this study the author’s biopsied six eyes of five individuals with recurrent nasolacrimal duct obstruction following a prior dacryoendoscopic probing. All procedures were performed under local anaesthetic, the obstruction or lesion was directly visualised with dacryoendoscope and biopsy was...
Endoscopic assisted probing for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction
In this retrospective study authors compare the success rate of nasal endoscopic-assisted probing between younger (three years and below) and older (three years and above) children with membranous nasolacrimal duct obstruction and its correlation with the thickness of the membrane...
Direct endoscopic probing for congenital lacrimal duct obstruction
The most common treatment for congenital lacrimal duct obstruction (CLDO) is probing, which is traditionally a blind procedure. Previous literature reports success rates between 78-92%. The authors of this retrospective non comparative case series reviewed the success rates of probing...