Environmental variations in endophthalmitis
3 August 2023
| Kurt Spiteri Cornish
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
Endophthalmitis, anti-VEGF, climate, intravitreal injection, season
In this retrospective cohort study, the authors looked at seasonal and environmental variations in 171 endophthalmitis cases out of 423,297 intravitreal injections. The incidence of this complication was not correlated to monthly snowfall, rainfall, or average temperature. There was no...
Are retinal vein occlusions seasonal? And if so why might that be?
1 June 2015
| Jonathan CP Roos
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
Central retinal vein occlusion, Sweden, incidence, seasonality, vitamin D
Some studies have reported a strong seasonal pattern to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) occurrence with a peak in January, but other studies have failed to replicate this finding. The authors sought to determine data for Stockholm’s seasonal variation in...