Surgical technique for small-angle hypertropia
In order to treat small-angle hypertropia of <5PF associated with mild / moderate upshoot in adduction, an option is to suture the inferior oblique (IO) belly to the sclera following its natural muscle direction or with anterior transposition. This study...
Augmented surgery for monocular elevation deficiency
The outcomes are described for augmented lateral rectus superior transposition in cases of acquired monocular elevation deficiency (MED) associated with large hypotropia in primary gaze. The lateral rectus was transposed superiorly and reinserted on sclera between the temporal margin of...
V pattern surgery
Inferior oblique (IO) muscle belly transposition involves fixing the belly of the IO to the sclera at 5mm posterior to the temporal insertion of the inferior rectus (IR). This study reports the clinical outcomes of bilateral surgery to treat V...
Surgery for lost inferior rectus muscle
This prospective study evaluated the impact of simultaneous ipsilateral superior rectus (SR) recession and superior rectus (IO) anterior transposition on the primary position alignment in six patients with traumatic loss of the inferior rectus (IR) muscle. Five males and one...
Nishida procedure for VIcnp
This study reports results in treatment of complete sixth nerve palsy (VIcnp) by modified Hummelscheim (Nishida’s) procedure; vertical muscle halves after splitting were secured with anchoring sutures to the sclera with anchoring of only the temporal muscle margins to the...