Van Herick Plus
This a consecutive cross-sectional study of 95 phakic patients over the age of 40-years-old. By applying a short, vertical slit beam, the inferior angle at the scleral-limbal junction at 6 o’clock position was evaluated, photographed and assessed by a ratio...
Screening and adherence to glaucoma care in Enugu, Nigeria
The authors present the findings of a cross-sectional survey of participants diagnosed with glaucoma during free eye screening. A total of 830 participants were screened from two outreaches:182 new glaucoma cases were diagnosed (63 glaucoma and 119 glaucoma suspects). There...
Results of four years of implantation of XEN glaucoma gel stent
This multi-centred prospective, non-randomised study presents the long-term clinical outcomes in patients after implantation of transscleral XEN Glaucoma Gel Microstent, 63μm. (XEN-GGM, Allergan, New Jersey). It was conducted in Austria, Canada and Germany. Sixty-four consecutive eyes of 64 patients with...
Delayed surgical treatment of orbital trapdoor fracture in paediatric patients
This is a retrospective study of 30 patients between three and 14-years-old, recruited between January 2008 to September 2016, who underwent surgery for trapdoor fractures. Two groups were evaluated: Group A- 17 patients with muscular entrapment, Group B- 13 patients...
Staged excision of primary periocular BCC
This is a 10 retrospective review of case notes study of 437 patients of staged basal cell carcinoma (BCC) excisions between 2000 and 2017. All patients had 3mm clinically clear margins with staged excision and standard reconstruction techniques were performed...
OCT-A imaging in Grave’s orbitopathy and orbital decompression
In this case series of 12 patients and 24 orbits, the authors describe the changes in the optic nerve and peripapillary blood vessel density in patients with moderate to severe Grave’s Orbitopathy (GO) undergoing orbital decompression. The patients undergoing orbital...
Colour Doppler imaging before and after orbital decompression in thyroid eye disease
In this prospective, uncontrolled study euthyroid patients with moderate to severe inactive thyroid eye disease underwent colour Doppler imaging before and after orbital decompression. Patients with dysthyroid optic neuropathy, corneal breakdown, systemic disease (diabetes, cerebrovascular accident, cardiovascular and peripheral vascular...
Dacryocystosclerotherapy as an alternative to dacryocystectomy
In this article, the authors evaluate the role of sclerosing agents in dacryocystosclerotherapy (DCST) and aim to see whether it is an alternative to dacryocystectomy (DCT) in a specific group of patients. Thirteen lacrimal drainage systems of 10 patients with...
Microvascular disease in Alport syndrome
The authors present the findings of a retrospective case-control observational study on increased microvascular disease in individuals with Alport syndrome recruited over a 21-year period. They recruited 28 males and 28 females with X-linked Alport syndrome (XLAS) and eight men...
Congenital aniridia with or without retinal detachment
The authors present the clinical and molecular genetic evaluations performed on a large Iranian pedigree with 26 aniridia affected patients in four generations and some with retinal detachment. Members of the family affected with aniridia were invited to participate after...
Paediatric enucleation in a tertiary eye centre in North China, 2001-2015
The authors review the demography and aetiology of paediatric enucleation over a 15-year period. A total of 9307 paediatric ophthalmic inpatients ranging from 0 to 14 years who underwent surgery at Shandong Eye Institute over the past 15 years were...
OCT measurements of eye muscles for Grave’s disease
The purpose of this study was to use optical coherence tomography (OCT) to assess horizontal rectus muscle thickening in patients with active and inactive Grave’s ophthalmopathy (GO) compared to healthy controls. This was a cross section observation study of rights...