Issues relating to declining numbers of paediatric ophthalmologists
The authors consider the economic decline of paediatric ophthalmology with a discussion of declining interest among medical graduates and in paediatric ophthalmology fellow numbers. Consideration is given to workforce issues in relation to poor revenue and an increase in the...
Survey of paediatric ophthalmology practice in the US
The purpose of this study was to develop a survey to assess possible solutions for an economic turnaround in paediatric ophthalmology. A 12-item survey was circulated with questions related to practice location, setting and years in practice. Responses were received...
Changes in the choroid after atropine for amblyopic and fellow eyes
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of atropine on the thickness and structure of the choroid between amblyopic and fellow eyes. This study included 16 patients: five males, 11 females. Median age at ocular coherence tomography...
BT as a diagnostic tool in Duane’s retraction syndrome
This study evaluated the effects of botulinum-toxin (BT) on management of Duane’s retraction syndrome along with how BT can be used diagnostically to help with patient expectations and decide management. Functional and psychosocial impact of BT effect was evaluated in...
Ocular damage from laser pointers
This retrospective study of case notes from a tertiary eye centre over a five-year period, recruited nine children (12 eyes: eight boys) aged 9-15 years. Three presented with deteriorating vision whilst others had retinal changes noted as incidental findings at...
RetCam use in differential diagnosis for retinoblastoma
The authors aimed to evaluate RetCam fundus photography and fluorescein angiography (FA) findings in pseudo retinoblastoma. This was a retrospective review of 36 eyes of 28 patients (of which six were female) with 22 bilateral cases. Mean age at presentation...
Microsporidia-induced stromal keratitis: a new cause of presumed immune stromal (interstitial) keratitis
This is a non-comparative retrospective observational case series from India from 1 October 2020 to 31 January 2021. The inclusion criteria were: (1) presence of nummular / coin shaped lesions with at least one >2mm in size and / presence...
Current concepts of the uveitis-glaucoma-hyphaema (UGH) syndrome
The authors discuss pathophysiology, aetiology and current management strategies of UGH syndrome. The clinical features of UGH are different than initial descriptions. UGH today is most often associated with posterior chamber IOLs that are not placed within the capsular bag...
How common are ocular motor cranial nerve palsies following TBI?
This retrospective cohort study aimed to report the incidence of ocular cranial nerve palsy as a result of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Patients were identified using an insurance database using codes from the International Classification of Disease 9th and 10th...
Should we be looking for anemia in the presence of papilloedema?
The authors present a retrospective case notes review of patients diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) presenting to a tertiary neuro-ophthalmology clinic over a 32-month period. The IIH group were age and sex matched with other patients attending the clinic...
Germline testing for uveal melanoma
The authors present a study of 114 consecutive patients presenting with uveal melanoma. Between 1 December 2019 and 1 November 2021 all patients over 18-years-old presenting to their centre with uveal melanoma were offered germline testing for variants in BAP1,...
Ophthalmic presentations and outcomes in Erdheim-Chester disease
This is a comprehensive article describing clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD) followed by a literature review of the available treatments. The authors look to compare historical treatment (HT) with vemurafenib, a BRAF inhibitor. ECD is a non-Langerhans...