The purpose of this study was to explore the Cochrane Eyes and Vision (CEV) library to extract and overview protocols and systematic reviews of relevance to orthoptic practice. A full database search was made of the 2016 library. Twenty-seven systematic reviews and seven protocols were found from the CEV library and three systematic reviews from the stroke library. For refractive conditions, one protocol and four reviews were found; for strabismus four protocols and 12 reviews; for amblyopia one protocol and eight reviews and for low vision one protocol and nine reviews. Benefits of Cochrane reviews are to establish reliable evidence-based practice in orthoptics. Reviews include a plain language summary, implications for practice and research, summaries of available evidence on interventions, guides for clinical practice and future research planning information. 

A review of Cochrane systematic reviews of interventions relevant to orthoptic practice.
Rowe FJ, Elliott S, Gordon I, Shah A.
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Fiona Rowe (Prof)

Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.

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