This study compares the long-term motor and sensory outcomes between constant and intermittent exotropia in infancy and investigated whether constancy can be used as a reliable factor for predicting surgical outcomes. Sixty-seven patients were reviewed – 37 constant and 30 intermittent deviations. Deviations were significantly greater for constant exotropia than intermittent and constant deviations had earlier surgery. The cumulative probability of success at three years postoperative was 92% for intermittent and 70% for constant deviations. Recurrence rate was 30% for constant which was significantly more than for intermittent deviations. Reoperative rate was significantly increased for constant deviations. Development of dissociated vertical deviation (DVD) and inferior oblique overaction was increased for constant deviations over the follow-up period. Intermittent deviations had better stereopsis levels: 80% with >60” vs. 46% in constant deviations. Constant exotropia and presence of DVD or inferior oblique overaction preoperatively were two significant predictive factors for recurrence.

Comparison of clinical features and long-term surgical outcomes in infantile constant and intermittent exotropia.
Na K-H, Kim S-H.
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Fiona Rowe (Prof)

Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.

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