The authors conducted a previous study on the epidemiology of sports-related ocular trauma in Quebec. In this study they aim to gather further information on presentation via ophthalmology and emergency departments. They undertook a follow-up study from a tertiary care ophthalmic clinic in Montreal to determine high risk age groups, sports and other activities. The study included 409 participants with mean age of 7.74 years and 60.4% males. Most (52%) were between two and nine years. There was a seasonal peak from May to July with the fewest occurring in January / February. Most were blunt object injuries during free play. In older children sports-related injuries were more prevalent (soccer, ball / ice hockey). One quarter of injuries occurred at home. Presenting visual acuity was 20/20 to light perception. Final visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 77%. Nine percent needed surgery for foreign body extraction and periocular laceration repair. The demographics of this cohort were similar to their previous study and other reports.
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- Profile of sports-related ocular trauma
Profile of sports-related ocular trauma
Reviewed by Fiona Rowe
Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.
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