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The authors aimed to examine the relationship between postnatal weight gain and development of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) among very preterm infants. They examined weight changes in the early postnatal period from birth to the first day of established full enteral feeding (FEF) and the period from FEF to discharge. If 431 infants, 179 (42%) had ROP. Those with ROP had a mean gestational age of 26.3 ±0.1 weeks and mean birth weight of 851 ±13g. Those with no ROP had a mean gestational age of 28 ±0.1 weeks and mean birth weight of 1005 ±11g – significant differences between those with or without ROP. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, endotracheal tube infection and blood transfusion were more common in ROP along with diagnosis of patent ductus anteriosus (PDA), medication for PDA and surgical ligation for PDA. Between groups there were significant differences for the ROP group with longer duration from birth to FEF (34 ±2 versus 20.2 ±1 days) and FEF to discharge (62.1 ±2.1 versus 44.1 ±1.5 days). The authors conclude that duration from birth to establishment of FEF may be an additional risk factor for development of severe ROP.

Impact of early postnatal weight gain on ROP in very preterm infants in South-western Ontario.
Li Y, Shah M, Miller MR, et al.
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Fiona Rowe (Prof)

Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.

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